The happiness of individuals is mainly given by 3 factors: 50% of each person’s natural character propensity to be happy and positive in life. 10% from extraordinary, random or occasional events, obtaining a bonus in private or professional life. 40% dictated by how we live our daily lives.
Comfort, healthiness and indoor well-being are a fundamental part of every individual’s existence and determine a good quality of life, given that on average we spend about 90% of our time in confined spaces.
For this reason TECNICATM has always aimed at developing products using innovative materials and patented technologies that have a positive impact on the IAQ.
The “GREEN” multi-level certification of our products in accordance with the LEED, WELL, BREEAM protocols is the latest important result achieved testifying TECNICATM’s commitment and willingness to contribute to a better future.

Increasingly, in the construction sector, the design and executive approach is no longer limited solely to reducing the energy consumption per housing unit. Nowadays one of the most important focuses, is the environmental impact that the construction process as a whole will have on the environment and users. This process concerns multiple aspects: from the raw materials supply chain, to the construction of the building, its life cycle and the impact it will have on end users.
This new approach has led designers, investors and executors to seek ever more performing materials in line with a renewed interest in the improvement of indoor well-being, together with a reduction of the environmental impact.
TECNICATM contributes to this constant evolution by promoting product innovation (materials, technologies and production techniques) and, the development of concrete actions in the field of aeraulic components.
On 11th December 2019, the European Commission introduced the plan known as “European Green Deal” which aims to support businesses in order to become world leaders in the field of clean technologies and products, as well as contributing to a fair and inclusive transition. The most affected sectors are those of climate, energy, construction and renovation of buildings, industry and mobility. Among the main objectives:
– Build and renovate in an energy and resource efficient way
– Stimulate the industry for a clean and circular economy
– “Zero pollution” target for an environment free of toxic substances
TECNICA has immediately adopted and supported these guidelines, focusing the sustainability and circularity of its products for ventilation as a strategic lever of the company policy.

Increased products circularity

30% reduction in the use of plastic in packaging

Use of FSC certified cardboard for packaging

75% reuse of raw materials waste in the production cycle

Multi-level positioning of products with respect to the main sustainability ratings
Thanks also to the support of GreenMap, we have implemented actions for the positioning of our products with respect to the main international sustainability ratings in construction

Main focus: the environmental impact of the building process.

Main focus: the health and well-being of users of a building

Main focus: promoting the use of sustainable and efficient materials